
A complete guide on how to export your command / event with a share code using the migrate feature.

Step 1

  • Navigate into either your custom / discord event or command builder.

Step 2

  • To first access the import / export function, you need to open up the menu slider.

Step 3

  • Click on the import / export function button and a 'Migrate' configuration tab will pop up on the left side of your screen.

Step 4

  • Now we want to create a share code to share with our friends, to do this we need to click on the 'Export' tab.

Step 5

  • Now we need a name and a description for our export to help others what kind of command you have created. Once you have filled this out, click on Export All to export your command!

To see your exports you have created on the bot, click the 'Import' tab again and you will see a section called 'Your exports'.

Step 6

  • To share your command with others, all you need to do is click the Clipboard Icon which will save the share code to your clipboard.

  • Now you are up to speed on how to export your commands to share with all your buddies!

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Last updated