Below is our FAQ to help you answer questions you may have regarding BotWiz.

What is BotWiz?

Botwiz is a no-code Discord bot-building platform that helps you build a Discord bot without needing to code.

How do I make a bot with BotWiz?

You can create your very own bot by registering one with BotWiz!

Not sure how to setup a Discord Application? Head to our Setting up a bot document to learn how setup a discord bot application.

Where can I get help with any questions I have?

We offer support in our Discord Server, where our support team will be delighted to help you!

Remember to provide detail with your question so our team can understand what you're trying to achieve.

Is BotWiz free?

Yes. BotWiz is free and will stay that way. We do have premium options which are available to buy to get extra benefits. You can view prices for premium here.

How do I keep my bot online?

BotWiz will keep your bot on as long as you wish, you have full control of how long your bot stays up for, when to stop it and restart it. You can manage all of this in the dashboard settings page.

Last updated