Webhook Events

Webhooks allow you to communicate with third part services directly on BotWiz.\

Setting it up with BotWiz

Here is a look at the webhooks page.

You can create a webhook event by clicking the 'New Custom Webhook Event" at the top and a model with pop-up with the below information.

Give it a name, and select a guild for this webhook to trigger inside, then you can proceed to the bot builder and customize it however you want. This is the same builder as Discord Events.

Setting it up on the third party

First, you need to go to your Manage Bot profile and grab your 'Webhook Authorization Key' this is needed to confirm it is really you triggering the webhook.

Only 6 requests a minute can be submitted

POST URL: https://webhook.botwiz.dev/BOT_ID/WEBHOOK_EVENT_TOKEN Content-Type: application/json Authorization: WEBHOOK_KEY Body: {

"Variable_name”: “variable value”, "Variable_name2”: “variable value2”, }

Variable that are then submitted can be accessed in the BotWiz builder via the variable "{interaction[Variable_name]}" or "{interaction[Variable_name2]}"

If you need any assistance with BotWiz Webhooks please join our Discord Server and open a Support Post

Last updated