Embed Message Menu Reply

Use this to respond to a message with a Embed and Menu

Reply Type

Use this to configure the type that you want to reply with, the options are reply to last message, reply to command, reply to last button, or reply to last menu.

Message Content

Use this to put what you want to say in the reply. Use the Embed Toggles to add more options in your embed.

Embed Toggles

Use the toggles to configure how you want the embed to look.

Embed Description

Add a optional description to the embed.

Embed Color

Input a hex color for your embed, variables can be used.

Channel Type

Select where you want the embed to be sent.


Select some emojis that are added to the message sent automatically.

This is what the button will actually say.

This is an optional emoji that can be added for the Menu.

Enter the description for the menu option, this appears under the Menu Title.

If you want this option to be shown as the default choice for a dropdown, only one can be selected.

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Last updated