Delete & Pin a Message

In this page, both the delete message and pin message blocks will be explained. However, you must first understand what a message ID is. For starters, a message ID is a way you can refer to a specific message, and how your bot knows which message to delete or pin for example.

To find a message ID for a message that has already been sent by anyone, simply right click the message on Discord and click to copy its ID. If you do not have this option, you must visit your Discord Settings > Advanced and toggle your Developer Mode on.

For message blocks, you can refer to their 'message ID', by using the create message variable. You can find this variable in any create message block, and it will be something like {create_message_00000}. For each create message block, you can edit this variable's referance code.

Delete a Message

For each delete message block, you have the option to either state a message ID or select a message block in the builder. The difference between the two options, is that you should refer to a message ID when the message will not be sent by the bot during your current builder (e.g. command).

When using the message selector, this is an easy tool where you can easily pick any message block in your builder. Once it's selected, that message will be deleted once your block is run.

Pin a Message

Pinning a message works exactly the same as deleting a message. You can either state a message ID, or simply select a message in the builder. When pinning a message, it will show in your channel's pinned messages as shown below.

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