Modal / Form

By using a model, you can send forms to your bot's interacting users, such as the one below:

When using modals, you must place the block after an interaction has been made. Including:

  1. When a command has been executed; or

  2. When a button or select menu option has been selected.

Creating your Modal

Following the example above, in your Modal Settings, you must enter a title and a Custom ID.Title

Your title will appear at the top of the modal, such as "BotWiz is Awesome" or "Moderator Application".

You must enter a title that has at least 1 character, otherwise you will receive an error.

Custom ID

Your Custom ID will distinguish your modal's variable, which can be used to retireve users' answers. For example, if you put hello as your custom ID, your modal's variable will be: {modal_hello_}.

Without any modal items, your variable will be incomplete and have no value, as there are no questions for users' to answer. When you add more modal items, you will create more unique variables, such as {modal_hello_question1}.

Creating a Modal Item

Modal Items are your form's questions, such as "Do you think BotWiz is awesome too?!" Interacting users will be able to answer each question (modal item) you add, allowing you to later refer to their answers by using modal variables (such as {modal_hello_question1}).

Component Identifier

This is your unique way of refering to this question, such as question1; It'll be used for your modal variable, allowing you to recite answers later on in your build.

After your have created your first modal item, at the top of your modal you'll see the modal's variables, and how your component identifiers work! See the example below:

Component Identifiers must be unique per modal. For example, you cannot identify multiple questions in one modal as question1.

Component Label

Component Labels are your questions, such as "How are you today?", or "What is your username?"

You must enter a component label that has at least 1 character and under 46 characters.

Optional Component Options

You can choose to have either a Short Text answer, or a Paragraph Text answer.

This will determine the type of answer the user should put; either a long or short one.

Selecting Components

Selecting components will allow you to modify your current questions (modal items), or delete them.

Last updated