Function Variables
View a list of all current function variables
Functions allow you to use advanced methods to retrieve a value, this can be calculations, getting the time, or many other things. Below you can see a full list of functions you can use with BotWiz!
Spaces are not allowed in functions. They are only allowed inside the strings (characters enclosed in quotation marks).
Gets a random value at a position in an array
Gets the first value from an array
Gets the last value from an array
Gets the centermost item from the array
Calculates the value of the the provided array of numbers
Converts the array into a string form
{func_concat[array, array]}
Combines the two provided arrays
{func_isNaN[number / string]}
Checks to see if the provided number/string is NaN (Not a Number)
Gets the lowest value from an array
Gets the greatest value from an array
Converts ISO to UNIX format
Converts UNIX to ISO format
{func_atPosition[array, number]}
Retrieves a value from the specified index in an array
Adds a set amount of time to a provided date
Gets the total character count for the provided string
Gets a random guilds ID the bot is a member of
Converts HEX to a decimal value
Converts decimal to a HEX value
Converts HSL to a decimal value
{func_regex[regex,matchValue, true]}
Performs a regex action on the provided string. The third boolean option is whether or not to return the result or not. If set to false, which by default, it is, it will only return true or false. If set to true, it will return the matched text, or null if no matches were found.
Gets a random emoji from the guild the interaction was created in
Returns the total count of channels with the specified type for the guild the interaction was created in
Gets a random quote
Gets random mock JSON data
Retrieves a random number between the starting number and ending number provided
Returns a random string for the provided length
Returns a random image URL
Retrieves a random member ID from the guild the interaction was created in
Returns a random USER ID from the guild the interaction was created in
Returns a random role ID from the guild the interaction was created in
Returns a random channel from the guild ID the interaction was created in
Returns a relative formatted UNIX timestamp for the current time
Returns a timestamp for the current time
Returns a UNIX timestamp for the current time
Gets the length for the provided array
Converts the provided string to lowercase
Converts the provided string to uppercase
Remove whitespaces from both ends of a string
Replace specific phrase in a string with the provided value
Get the value from a start and end index
Splits the string at the provided character, and returns the value at the provided index
Takes an array, and converts it to a string
Reverses the value of a string
Reverses the value of an array
Sorts the string by order (eg. bca >> abc, 220 >> 022, etc)
Sorts the array, from a lessen then to greater then order
Sorts the string by reverse order (eg. bca << abc, 220 << 022, etc)
Sorts the array, from a greater then to lesser then order
Accepts an array, and randomizes the order of them
Accepts a string, and randomizes the order of it
Create an invite to the channel specificed
Format an array. AFTER and INLINE are bools.
Some function variables have been merged into the Function block.
Last updated