Send a Message

Reply Toggles & Reactions

Toggle whether you want your message to be a reply or a channel/DM message.

Add any reactions you would like to be added to your message.

Message Builder


This is the plain section of your message.


This is where you can manage your message's embed(s).


This is what is shown in the top left of your embed. You can add an icon URL to be shown next to the author name.


This is the main part of your embed. The title is the main heading of your embed.

The embed URL is an optional link to be inserted into the message.

The description is the subheading of your embed, it goes right below the title.

The color is the side color of your embed.


Here you can add additional fields to your embed to customise it further.

This is where you can customise the text at the very bottom of your embed. You can also add a timestamp to display the time the message was sent at.


These are the images of your embed.

The embed image is the main image at the bottom of the embed.

The thumbnail is the smaller image beside your title.



This is where you can add & customise interactive buttons attached to your embed.

The label is the name of your button displayed on it.

The style is the colour of your button.

The emoji is an optional emoji displayed next to the label.

The disabled state is where you can manage whether or not and when to disable your button.

Select Menus

This is where you can add & manage your embed's dropdown menus.

The placeholder is the default value displayed on the menu.

The option name is the name of your menu's option.

The option description is the subheading of your option name.

The default? toggle is whether or not this option should be set as default.

Last updated