Interaction Variables

This is the list of basic variables that are supported at BotWiz.

Basic variables consist of regular/most commonly used variables such as: {interaction} or {channel}. These are usable with any event or command interaction.

Below you can find a full list of basic variables.

VariableUse Case


Returns the interaction object for the command, button or select menu trigger. This includes the Member, User, Channel, and Guild objects.

When using the {interaction} variable, please note that every button, select menu and modal click will change the value of the variable. This results in the interaction data being overwritten with new data for the newly created interaction.

Interaction Examples

You can find the full list of member properties here.

VariableExampleUse case



Returns the user's displayName in the server the interaction was used in.



Returns the ID of the user who used the interaction.

To use properties within the Interaction variable you will need to use the following format:


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