Adding Token to BotWiz

Add your Discord Bot Token to BotWiz and get your Discord Bot online!

BotWiz adheres to industry best practices, including encrypting your bot’s token upon upload, to ensure the confidentiality of your authentication key. We do not store your Discord Bot Token or use it for any unauthorized purposes. Read more.

Why do we need your token?

BotWiz utilizes your Discord Bot Token to execute commands on your behalf. This includes managing server settings, moderating channels, and providing entertainment features to enhance the overall functionality of your Discord server.

We also need it to enable seamless communication between BotWiz and Discord, your Discord Bot Token is required to authenticate and access the Discord API. This integration facilitates real-time updates, message handling, and other dynamic interactions within your server.

Step 1

Head to BotWiz, and paste the Token you copied in the previous step. Did not copy a token? Follow the previous step below.

pageGet your Bot Token

Step 2

Click "Validate Token", after you click Validate Token the bot's information should appear on the right.

Step 3

If the information on the right is correct click "Create Bot".

Step 4

Click "Manage" to modify your custom Discord bot.

Need help with understanding how to add your token to botwiz? Join our Support Server to speak with an expert.

Last updated