Unique Variables

Unique variables allow users to store unique data of any sort in a command or event execution

Unique variables can be created via the Variables navigation in the builders toolbar. There are multiple different types of custom variables which is covered here. As it stands there are no set limits on the total character count or positions a unique variable can hold. Users can create an unlimited amount of unique variables to help create and deploy advanced commands and events.

Unlike Event variables, Unique Variables can be used anywhere, in events, or commands. You can also opt for the values to be guild specific or spread across all the guilds your bot is a member of. We went more in detail about it here. These are very similar to Custom Variables.


To use a custom variable you can reference it using {unique[variableName]}. Ensure you replace [variableName] with the name you chose for the unique variable when creating it on the Unique Variables navigation. It is worth noting that if using a unique variable that has its type set to array, the methods in retrieving data from it differ slightly. To access data in an array you must provide an index in where the value you wish to retrieve is located.

Arrays always start at 0 and work up from there. This cannot be changed. So keep this in mind when trying to provide an index value for your array reference. For example:

If you store "apple" as the first value in the array, you would instinctively use 1 as the index. However, due to arrays starting at 0, the correct index for it would be 0. To simplify this, simply take away - 1 from the number you get when counting how many values are in the array. This is an easy way to find the correct index for the value you wish to retrieve.

Array Variable Usage

Referencing custom arrays is simple. You must use a function to perform the action you wish to perform, a list of functions can be found on this page. Any function that accepts an array can be used with unique array variables.

Last updated