Manage Bot

View and manage your bots details!

The manage bot page allows you to view and manage details about your bot, as well as restart, stop and start your bot among other things. Below is a full guide on what each button, section and piece of text does on the Manage Bot page.

At the top of the Manage Bot page, you can view your bots current status, as well as the uptime for the bot. Uptime is calculated in seconds being online, or in Discord.js terms. 'Ready'.

Below the uptime section you can restart, stop and start your bot. By default your bot will be offline when you first create it. Simply press the start button to get started.

As a general rule of thumb, sometimes a restart can fix common issues you may face with your bot. Give a restart a try before reaching out! You never know.. It may just solve your issue.

Below the status management page you can customise the activity of your bot. This also includes its visible status, like online, dnd, idle and offline!

When selecting the Streaming type for activity, you will be required to provide a URL link to the stream your bot is 'streaming'. from Twitch or YouTube.

Do not share your bots token with anyone you do not know or trust. This can grant access to your bot and open you to risk. Feel like someone has your bots token? Reset it here.

At the very bottom of your Manage Bot page, you can find your bots token. This can be copied and also edited as needed. It goes without saying that your token must be kept secure at all times. uthentication key this includes encrypting your bots token on upload. We do not store or misuse your Discord Bot Token for any unauthorized purposes. Read more.

Do not share your bots token with anyone you do not know or trust. This can grant access to your bot and open you to risk. Feel like someone has your bots token? Reset it here.

The only person able to use the Delete Bot and Delete all Commands buttons on the dashboard is the bot owner. Co-Creators cannot use these buttons. Read more here.

Last updated