Custom Events

Make an event that can be triggered via the Custom Event block.

These can only be triggered by utilizing the Custom Event block, and are not to be confused with Discord Events, which trigger a tree when an action happens in Discord.

To create a new custom event in BotWiz, head over to the Custom Events tab on the sidebar. Click the "New Custom Event" button. This will show you the custom event creation dialog.

Enter in a name for your custom event in the Trigger box. This is only used to reference your custom event, it will not affect it's behavior. Then, click the blue "Create" button. This should create a new custom event.

You can manage and edit your custom event using the 3 buttons provided on the right side. These can be used to disable/enable your custom event (power button), edit your custom event's name (pencil icon), or enter the builder to edit it's function (right arrow).

You can access the data passed onto the event using the Data field in the Custom Event block using {interaction}.

Last updated