
Co-Create allows you to work alongside your team at the exact same time on the same commands/events with real time updates.

The co-create page will allow bot owners and respective users to access the settings for the co-create feature with BotWiz. On this page you can; Invite users, manage user permissions (individually), and remove users. BotWiz takes co-create a step further with real time updates for all connected users when a block is (moved, deleted, edited, or duplicated), text is changed or when other inportant actions happen in the builders.

This allows teams to have a consistently up-to-date view of any command or event they are working on without worrying about loosing progress if multiple people are active and on the dashboard at once.

Co-Creators are unable to use the Delete Bot and Delete all Commands buttons. These options are only accessible to the bot owner on the dashboard.

Co-Create Page

The co-create page will allow bot owners and respective users to access the settings for the co-create feature with BotWiz. This can be accessed like all other pages, by using the side navigation and selecting co-create.

On the co-create page, you are able to invite new users by entering their Discord user ID in the input box at the top of the page, and selecting invite. This will imidiatley send an invite to the recipient which they can manage on the bot selection page of their dashboard.

You can also manage the invites sent out to users, this includes: viewing their status, or revoking the invite.

You can only revoke a co-create invite if it is still pending. Once accepted you must remove them from the co-creators section manually.

Below the invited users table, there are some permissions sliders you can use to manage individual users. This includes: adding permissions, removing permissions. BotWiz allows you to fine-tune permissions for specific users to enhance your dashboards security.

Last updated