Bot Intents

Learn about Bot Intents and how to configure the necessary intents on your Discord Bot Application.

What are Discord Bot Intents?

Discord Bot Intents (Intents) are special permission intents that Discord allows bot developers to assign to their application from the Discord Developers Portal. These intents allow your bot to execute, listen or manage set events when they occur in a Discord server your bot is a member of.

- From the Discord Developer Portal

Intents are bitwise values passed in the intents parameter when Identifying which correlate to a set of related events. For example, the event sent when a guild is created (GUILD_CREATE) and when a channel is updated (CHANNEL_UPDATE) both require the same GUILDS (1 << 0) intent (as listed in the table below). If you do not specify an intent when identifying, you will not receive any of the Gateway events associated with that intent.

Intents are crucial in ensuring your bot can function correctly and are required when creating a bot with BotWiz and all other bot creation services.

How to enable Intents?

Enabling intents for your bot is a super straightforward process. Ensure you follow the guide below to successfully enable all required Privilege Gateway Intents (Intents) on your Discord Bot Application.

Step 1

Head to the Discord Developer Portal and select your bot's application.

Step 2

Under the "Bot" tab, ensure PRESENCE INTENT, SERVER MEMBERS INTENT, and MESSAGE CONTENT INTENT are enabled. These intent permissions are required for your bot to function correctly.

Once you have selected the required intents, make sure to save your changes before leaving the Discord Developer Portal. To learn how to retrieve your Bot Token, head to this guide.

WARNING: Enabling 'REQUIRES OAUTH2 CODEGRANT' will display an error message when trying to invite your bot to a discord server. Ensure this option is disabled before continuing.

Last updated