Get your Bot Token

Get your Discord Bot token from the Discord Developer Portal and import it to BotWiz.

Do not share your Discord Bot Token with anyone, if you suspect your token has been leaked/stolen, you can reset it on the Discord Developer Portal.

What is a Discord Bot Token?

All discord Bots are provided with a randomly generated string, known as a Bot Token. These tokens highly secrete, and unique to your application. Bot Tokens enable you to power on/off your Discord Bot. Tokens are used inside bot code to send commands back and forth to the API, which in turn controls bot actions. Never share your Discord Bot Token with anyone.

How to view/Manage your Discord Bot Token

Follow these steps to view, manage and copy your discord bot token.

Create a Discord Bot

Existing Discord Bot

Step 1

Head to the Discord Developer Portal and click "New Application", or choose from a previous application.

Step 2

Add a name and select a Team for the bot to be under (if you don't have a team just do "Personal") then click "Create".

Step 3

Once your application is created. Go to "Bot" on the left column.

Step 4

Click the "Reset Token" button.

then, click "Yes, do it!"

Step 5

Enter a 2fa authentication code via the application that you setup your Discord 2fa code with. (If you did not setup 2fa skip this step)

Step 6

Click "copy"

Then proceed to the next step below ⬇️

pageAdding Token to BotWiz

Need help with understanding or using bot tokens? Join our Support Server to speak with an expert.

Last updated